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Wolkovich, E.M. & E.E. Cleland. 2011. The phenology of plant invasions: A community ecology perspective. Frontiers in Ecology & the Environment 9(5): 287-294 (pdf // data)

Pau*, S., Wolkovich*, E.M., Cook, B.I., Davies, T.J., Kraft, N.J.B., Bolmgren, K., Betancourt, J. & E.E. Cleland. 2011. Predicting phenology by integrating ecology, evolution and climate science. *Both authors contributed equally to this work. Global Change Biology 17: 3633-3643. (pdf // data)

Wilson, E.E. & E. M. Wolkovich. 2011. Scavenging: How carnivores and carrion structure communities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26(3): 129-135. *Both authors contributed equally to this work. (pdf//data & code)

Firn, J. & 32 co-authors (Wolkovich, E.M. co-author) 2011. Abundance of introduced species at home predicts abundance away in herbaceous communities. Ecology Letters 14(3):247-281. (Publication from Nutrient Network. Assisted with writing, editing and statistical analyses.) (pdf)

Wolkovich E.M. 2010. Non-native plant litter enhances grazing arthropod assemblages by increasing native shrub growth. Ecology 91(3): 756-766. (pdf // data)

Wolkovich E.M., Lipson, D.A., Virginia, R.A., Bolger, D.T., & K.L. Cottingham. 2010. Grass invasion causes rapid increases in ecosystem carbon and nitrogen storage in a semi-arid shrubland. Global Change Biology 16(4): 1352-1365. (pdf // data)

Wolkovich, E.M. 2010 Defining and re-defining invasion biology (book review). Journal of Vegetation Science 21(4): 804-806. (pdf)

Wolkovich E.M., D.T. Bolger & D.A. Holway. 2009. Complex responses to invasive grass litter by ground arthropods in a Mediterranean shrub ecosystem. Oecologia 161(4): 697-708. (pdf // data)

Wolkovich, E. M., D.T. Bolger & K.L. Cottingham. 2009. Invasive grass litter facilitates native shrubs through abiotic effects. Journal of Vegetation Science 20(6): 1121-1132. (pdf // data)

Buchholtz, E.A., Wolkovich E.M. & Cleary, R.J. 2005. Vertebral osteology and complexity in Lagenorhynchus acutus (Delphinidae) with comparison to other Delphinoid genera. Marine Mammal Science 21:411-428. (link)

In press, review, revision or final preparation

Craine, J. M., Wolkovich, E. M., Towne, E. G. & S. W. Kembel. In press. Flowering phenology as a functional trait. New Phytologist. (pdf)

Wainwright, C.E., Wolkovich, E.M. & E.E. Cleland. In press. Seasonal priority effects: implications for invasion and restoration in a semi-arid system. Journal of Applied Ecology. (pdf)

Davies, T.J., Kraft, N.B.J., Salamin, N. & E. M. Wolkovich. In press, Ecology. Incompletely resolved phylogenetic trees inflate estimates of phylogenetic conservatism. (early-view)

Wolkovich, E.M. & 17 co-authors. In requested revision for Nature. Warming experiments underpredict plant phenological responses to climate change.

Wolkovich, E. M., Regetz, J. & M. I. O’Connor. In review, Global Change Biology. Advances in global change research require open science at the individual-level.

Cook*, B.I., Wolkovich*, E.M. & C. Parmesan. In review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Divergent responses to spring and winter warming drive community level flowering trends. *Both authors contributed equally to this work.

Wolkovich, E.M., Allesina, S., Cottingham, K.L., Moore, J.C. & C. de Mazancourt. In requested revision for American Naturalist. Linking the green and brown worlds: The prevalence and effect of multi-channel feeding in food webs.

Pau, S, Gillespie, T.W., & E.M. Wolkovich. In requested revision for Journal of Biogeography. The relative effects of precipitation, species richness, and structure on NDVI in Hawaiian dry forests.

Cleland, E. E., J. M. Allen, T. M. Crimmins, J. A. Dunne, S. Pau, S. E. Travers, E. S. Zavaleta & E. M. Wolkovich. In review at Ecology. Phenological tracking enables positive species responses to climate change.

*Wolkovich, E.M., *Francis, T., Scheuerell, M.D., Katz, S., Holmes, E. & S.E. Hampton. In final prepation for Ecological Applications. Shifting drivers and changing interactions: Detecting regime, driver and interaction changes using moving-window autoregressive models. *Both authors contributed equally to work.

* Reprints are provided soley for single-user, non-commercial use.

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